London Barndance Programme

London Barndance 2024

Saturday 13th January 2024, 8pm-11pm
Mark Elvins with Fiddlechicks

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 10th February 2024, 8pm-11pm
Charlie Turner with Nozzy

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 9th March 2024, 8pm-11pm
Louise Siddons with Vertical Expression

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 13th April 2024, 8pm-11pm
Andrew Swaine with Box of Frogs

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 11th May 2024, 8pm-11pm
Will Mentor with Lighthouse

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 8th June 2024, 8pm-11pm
Charlie Turner with Contra Sutra

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 13th July 2024, 8pm-11pm
Rhodri Davies with WillPower

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 14th September 2024, 8pm-11pm
Adam Hughes with Linda Game Band

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 12th October 2024, 8pm-11pm
Diane Silver with Old Time Contra Band with Gareth Kiddier

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 9th November 2024, 8pm-11pm
Mark Elvins with Contrasaurus

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 14th December 2024, 8pm-11pm
Lynne Render with King Contra String Band

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY

London Barndance 2025

Saturday 4th January 2025 First Saturday, 8pm-11pm
Adam Hughes with Bearded Dragons in Contra mode

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
No dance
Saturday 15th March 2025 Third Saturday, 8pm-11pm
Mark Elvins with Vertical Expression

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 12th April 2025, 8pm-11pm
Rhodri Davies with Box of Frogs

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 10th May 2025, 8pm-11pm
Sue Rosen with Bruce Rosen and Audrey Jaber

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 14th June 2025, 8pm-11pm
Charlie Turner with Larry Unger and Elke Baker

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 12th July 2025, 8pm-11pm
Louise Siddons with WillPower

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 13th September 2025, 8pm-11pm
Geoff Cubitt with King Kontra String Band

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 11th October 2025, 8pm-11pm
Cis Hinkle with Linda Game Band

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 8th November 2025, 8pm-11pm
Lynne Render with Fiddlechicks

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY
Saturday 13th December 2025, 8pm-11pm
Nicola Scott with Contrasaurus

London Barndance

at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY

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Programmes for the past few years are available for reference.

More Information

For ticket prices and venue information, see the Where and When page

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To find other dance events around the country, try these excellent listings: